The church body of Christian Life Tabernacle began in 1978 when David McGeary moved to Texas from Arizona and began pastoring a small group of believers in Haltom City. Presently located in Bedford, Christian Life Tabernacle is a “city set on a hill” in the middle of the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area.
Christian Life Tabernacle holds worship services on Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evening. One Sunday evening service is set aside each month as a time for communion and foot washing.
Additional opportunities for worship and fellowship include the following:
- Annual special meetings
- Monthly youth meetings
- Sunday School picnics
- Men’s breakfasts
- Other church activities

Christian Life Tabernacle strives to be a witness to the DFW area by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ that has been restored in its fulness by God through his servant William Marrion Branham. As an angel messenger to the Gentile church age described in Revelation 3:14-22, this prophet’s message was supernaturally vindicated by God to be the Truth, and ministered an exodus from the creeds and doctrines of this Laodicean church world.

“Not for one moment do I bring a message to the people that they may follow me, or join my church, or start some fellowship and organization. I have never done that and will not do that now. I have no interest in those things, but I do have an interest in the things of God and people, and if I can accomplish just one thing I will be satisfied. That one thing is to see established a true spiritual relationship between God and men, wherein men become new creations in Christ, filled with His Spirit and live according to His Word. I would invite, plead, and warn all to hear His voice at this time, and yield your lives completely to Him, even as I trust in my heart that I have given my all to Him. God bless you, and may His coming rejoice your heart.”
William Branham